Thursday, January 17, 2008

No longer content to just wait it out OR Bring back the rule of law

I think I'm like a lot of Americans in this way: I've been bludgeoned into apathy about our current Administration by the shrieking from both sides, and by the miserable failure of a Democrat-'led' Congress to make meaningful change.

No more.

I'll endure the criticism of those who say I'm exaggerating the problems. I'll even tolerate the fools who say we're 'at war' and I'm giving comfort to the enemy. I say that the enemy, to semi-mis-quote Pogo, is us. We've allowed our the standards to which we hold our government to be lowered, and lowered, and lowered, until we simply don't notice the atrocities being perpetrated in the name of our country.

Well, I've noticed, and hopefully you will too.

The crimes are clear:

Disregard for the laws of the land abound.

Evidence of disregard for the law will just be (unlawfully) destroyed.

Those guilty of crimes as serious as mass-murder are shielded by those we've elected to uphold the laws of the land.

Judges claim that those mistreated by us aren't people.

Maybe that last one is at the heart of this. I can now look at Cheney and Bush and their gaggle of yes-men, and see that they believe this. They are capable of looking at an individual and saying, "you are not my equal, because you are poor, or born elsewhere, or just perhaps in the wrong place at the wrong time, and therefore, you are not a person and have no rights whatsoever, and if I choose to shoot you down in the street, I will not be punished for it."

I can't.

For us to able to claim, as we once could, that this was a proud nation that respected every individual, and that everyone was entitled to equal protection under the law, we can't just wait for the hourglass to run out on this corrupt Administration.

Support this legislation. Write, call, or email your elected officials. Tell them cowardice is not acceptable, and that you'll see past the lies they'll be labeled with, like "weak on security" and vote for them again if they will do their part.

This must remain a government OF the people, BY the people, and FOR the people. Not a government FOR the government.

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